Now that you’ve seen the goods, here’s where I tell you what I’m all about:
I grew up in the ‘burbs. One day, a company called AOL Canada sent a disc in the mail offering a 1 month free trial of their services. Dad signed us up, and so began my affair with the internet.
I created and updated my own domains, got bit by the photography bug, started to get into animation and video, and then all my hard work paid off. Straight out of high school I got an internship at a television
production company in Toronto. Internship turned into a permanent gig where I created on-air graphics, animations, went on shoots, and worked with some super creative & talented people.
I moved onto working in the finance industry as an "IT Guy"/Network Admin. It wasn’t speaking to me creatively...
Currently, I’m working as a personal assistant to an author, but I would love to join a team of artists and designers to learn from, and collaborate with, on pretty |
much anything: web, print, video, social media, cross media, online promotion, etc. But I do fly solo as a freelancer as well. My CV is available for download below.
I'm a quirky little creature with art on my body, and a lot in my mind. I've learned you gotta trip the mind, expand it, forget stuff, learn more, THINK, consume everything; but most importantly: nourish the stuff that speaks to your soul.